Saturday, December 02, 2006

When Lines Aren't Drawn Clearly

Here's something that I found to be interesting reading...

"Supporting Boys or Girls when the lines to who they are isn't clear."

In short we're talking about children who do not conform to gender norms and are supported by parents and doctors. What are your feelings about this subject?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really hate to sound old fashion but if you believe in a higher power (God), then how you can believe mistakes are being made in gender, is beyond my understanding. We as a society have moved so… so far away from God that we can no longer see what is right or wrong. We just accept anything to keep from making waves. It is time to stand up, make waves, be counted, and reconnect with God. Can the lines be made clearer, when we are doing the things we are doing? Clearly, society has lost its values and morals, so how can our children see the lines since they are a reflection of us.